Effective from: August 16, 2023, 09:54:09
The name of the association is Geoeconomics Society (GeS) rf, and its domicile is Helsinki.
The purpose of the Society is to:
(1) promote research, learning, education, and other scholarly activities within geoeconomics, particularly within political, legal, and other social sciences disciplines;
(2) collaborate with Finnish, Nordic, and other foreign organizations of similar scholarly orientation;
(3) initiate and support international cooperation in the scientific disciplines within the Society’s scope, maintaining ties with foreign academies and international scientific organizations;
(4) promote exchange between researchers and practitioners in the public and private sectors within the Society’s scope;
(5) publish scientific works in various forms within the Society’s scope;
(6) organize scientific symposia, seminars, and other conferences and events within the Society’s scope;
(7) provide support, awards, and prizes to deserving researchers and others who have promoted the Society’s goals;
(8) give statements on matters within the Society’s scope when requested by the government, public authorities, or international organizations, or when the Society’s interests require.
The Society fulfills its purpose by:
– arranging courses, training, educational events, and similar activities;
– organizing competitions, exhibitions, excursions, camps, and other events;
– holding parties, concerts, exhibitions, and other events;
– maintaining the Society’s electronic media;
– publishing the Society’s information and communication across different media;
– providing guidance and advice to its members;
– participating in public discussions on topics in the field;
– collecting and sharing information and conducting research;
– bringing members together for joint activities and maintaining relations with other Societys in the field;
– running a performing group consisting of its members;
– arranging trips related to the Society’s purpose for its members;
– covering direct competition costs for its members;
– obtaining necessary tools and materials for the Society’s members to use;
– making representations and initiatives and giving statements to other organizations and various authorities;
– cooperating with authorities, organizations, companies, and private individuals.
To support its activities, the Society, after obtaining the necessary permits if required, may:
– organize fundraising and lotteries;
– organize chargeable events;
– own essential real and personal property;
– sell advertising space;
– enter into sponsorship agreements.
Anyone who accepts the Society’s purpose can become an ordinary member. Supporting membership is open to individuals or organizations that wish to support the Society’s purpose. Ordinary and supporting members are approved by the board based on an application. An honorary chairman or honorary member may be nominated by the general meeting upon the board’s proposal for someone who has significantly promoted the Society’s activities.
The annual general meeting determines the entrance and membership fees for ordinary and supporting members separately. Honorary chairpersons and honorary members do not pay membership fees.
The board manages the Society’s affairs, consisting of a chairman and 2-10 ordinary members, along with 0-10 deputies, all elected at the annual general meeting. The board’s term runs from one election meeting to the next.
The board elects a vice-chairman from within itself and appoints a secretary, treasurer, and other necessary officials from inside or outside the board. The board meets at the chairman’s invitation or, if the chairman is unable, at the vice-chairman’s invitation whenever necessary or at the request of at least half of the board members. The board is quorate when at least half of its members, including the chairman or vice-chairman, are present. Voting decisions are made by absolute majority. If votes are tied, the chairman casts the deciding vote. In elections, a draw will decide.
The Society’s name is signed by the chairman or secretary independently.
The Society’s accounting period is the calendar year.
When the board or the general meeting decides, participation in the Society’s meetings is possible by post, via data communication, or using other technical aids before or during the meeting. The general meeting will approve the voting and election procedures.
The Society’s annual general meeting is held yearly on a date set by the board in January-May.
At the Society’s meetings, each ordinary member, honorary chairman, and honorary member has one vote. Supporting members may attend and speak at the Society’s meetings. The meeting’s decisions follow the majority opinion if not otherwise specified in the Articles of Association.
If votes are tied, the meeting chairman has the deciding vote. In elections, a draw will decide.
The board must convene the Society’s meetings at least 7 days before the meeting date.
The meeting notice should be sent:
– by post or email.
The following matters are discussed at the Society’s annual general meeting:
If a member wishes for a matter to be discussed at the annual general meeting, they should notify the board in writing early enough for the item to be included in the meeting notice.
A decision to amend the Articles of Association or dissolve the Society must be made at the general meeting with at least a three-fourths (3/4) majority of votes cast. Amendments of the Articles of Association or dissolution must be indicated in the meeting notice.
If the Society dissolves, its assets will be used to promote the Society’s purpose as decided by the meeting resolving the dissolution. If the Society is dissolved, its assets will be used for the same purpose.
* In case of discrepancy, the official Swedish version governs