Membership Guide

Helsinki Geoeconomics Society

How to Apply

To apply, please complete the form here. Please ensure you review the information below and the Articles of Association before doing so.

Each application for Fellow Membership must be supported by two Society Fellows who act as referees. Both referees should be added to the Membership application form and will be contacted by the Society’s Secretariat in the course of reviewing the application. Alternatively, the referees can express their support for a candidate’s application by sending the Society’s Secretariat an email at any time.

Membership applications are processed at the beginning of each month (provided a minimum number of applications are received). For your application to be considered at the next round of membership admissions, please ensure the application form is fully completed. The application form will be considered by various Society bodies and processed within a period of four weeks. You will be notified of the outcome of your application as soon as it has been processed.

Should you have difficulties applying or any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Society’s Secretariat.

Individual Member Fees and Benefits


Standard Membership

Associate Fellow Membership

Fellow Membership

Annual fees


Regular Member

EUR 600

EUR 800

EUR 1,100

Civil Servant

EUR 360

EUR 480

EUR 660


EUR 300

EUR 400

EUR 550

Full time student*

EUR 50



Admission fee (Minimum donation upon joining)


>EUR 200 upon admission

>EUR 500 upon admission

Activity credits


Ad hoc

One agreed lecture per year reducing annual fee by EUR 500

Governance participation rights

Observer status at the Annual General Conference.

Observer status at the Annual General Conference.

One vote at the Annual General Conference.

Admissions requirements

Standard Members must be reputable individuals who take an active interest in geoeconomics. Standard Membership status is suitable for individuals who cannot undertake to speak and vote without regard to the interests of particular stakeholders.

Associate Fellows must be reputable individuals and must actively engage, by their professional, vocational or scholarly activities, in geoeconomics. Associate Fellow Membership status is suitable for individuals who cannot undertake to speak and vote without regard to the interests of particular stakeholders.

Fellows must be reputable individuals and must actively engage, by their professional, vocational or scholarly activities, in geoeconomics. They are internationally renowned professionals from academia, diplomacy, various specialised professions, governments, legislatures and other sectors, who participate in the Society’s activities on the basis of their personal and professional interests and convictions and without regard to the interests of any clients or stakeholders.



Participation in Helsinki Geoeconomics Week

Discounted as per fee schedule.

Discounted as per fee schedule.

Discounted as per fee schedule.

Participation in Helsinki Geoeconomics Conferences – On-site

Discounted participation in unlimited number of conferences open to non-member participation, subject to registration – Regular Members: 60%; Civil Servants: 75%; Academics: 80%

As for Standard Membership plus complimentary participation in one conference per year subject to registration.

As for Standard Membership plus complimentary participation in all conferences subject to registration

Participation in Helsinki Geoeconomics Symposia – Online Webinars




Participation in invitation-only Helsinki Dialogues events


Participation subject to fee and registration

Free participation of one (1) delegate subject to registration

Access to Society Library™

Full access

Full access

Full access

Institutional Member Fees and Benefits


Supporting Member

Sustaining Donor


Annual fees

EUR 1,200

EUR 2,600

EUR 1,400

Minimum donation upon joining


>EUR 2,000 upon admission

>EUR 50,000 upon admission

Governance participation rights



Each Patron shall be entitled to a seat on the Board of Donors** and allocated one vote per tranche of €50,000. Should the total amount contributed exceed the sum of €500,000, the Annual General Conference shall determine by a two-thirds majority on the total number of votes to be allocated to the Donor

Admissions requirements

Supporting Members must be individuals or legal entities representing organisations, institutions or networks, which are actively involved in geoeconomics. A Supporting Member is free to opt to become a Patron (with voting rights) or a Sustaining Donor (without).

Observer status at the Annual General Conference.

One vote at the Annual General Conference.



Participation in Helsinki Geoeconomics Week

Discounted as per fee schedule.

Discounted as per fee schedule.

Discounted as per fee schedule.

Participation in Helsinki Geoeconomics Conferences – On-site

Discounted participation in unlimited number of conferences subject to registration – 45%

As for Supporting Membership plus complimentary participation of one (1) delegate in one conference per year subject to registration.

As for Supporting Membership plus complimentary participation of one (1) delegate in all conferences subject to registration

Participation in Helsinki Geoeconomics Symposia – Online Webinars




Participation in invitation-only Helsinki Dialogues events


Participation subject to fee and registration

Free participation of one (1) delegate subject to registration

Access to Society Library™

Full access

Full access

Full access

Impact & Networking



Name and logo on Society’s website

As for Supporting Member plus on event material (key pre- / post- event communication, key event handout material)

As for Sustaining Donors plus permission to place banner/roll-up at event receptions and/or stage areas (max. 1)

Branded event agenda items (named after Member)

Branded breakfast or refreshment break reception (30 minutes) at cost as agreed

Branded luncheon at cost as agreed

Branded conference banquet at cost as agreed

Event organization


Branded workshop or conference session (max 3 contributors) – Non-exclusive (parallel) session (45 minutes) for EUR 4,600

As for Sustaining Donors

Pre-event lead facilitation


List of participants -first and last names, affiliations in advance

List of participants -first and last names, affiliations in advance

Activity credits

No fee for one (1) attendee on sponsor day at Society Conferences and Helsinki Geoeconomics Week

No fee for two (2) attendees on sponsor day at Society Conferences and Helsinki Geoeconomics Week

No fee for three (3) attendees on sponsor day at Society Conferences and Helsinki Geoeconomics Week


* Subject to verification; early career professionals are those within five years from graduation.

For inquiries:

** The Board of Donors nominates (1) the Members of the Board of Governors and the Joint Management Committee and may also dismiss them; and (2) the Members of the Board of Trustees (nominated by the Joint Management Committee on the basis of scientific and practical merit) which in turn approves the scientific agenda. The Board of Donors adopts the budget and receives the annual accounts from the Joint Management Committee.

Apply for Membership

Helsinki Geoeconomics Society­

Please indicate the membership category:

Category of Membership sought:

Category of Membership sought:

Category of Membership sought:

Category of Membership sought:

Membership type:

Application to join the Helsinki Geoeconomics Society

Invoicing address

Contact person

Postal address

Please provide references


VAT (25.5%)
